Any refund / cancellation related to application form of an institution is under the sole authorization of the institute. You are requested to directly contact the institute or email us at -, to forward your refund/cancellation request.

Please be shared that a successful transaction in which an application ID / order ID is generated, no cancellation can be made. However, if in a transaction performed by you on the site, multiple debit has been made on your card / account, for a single transaction, then you may inform us by sending an email to If the investigating team find that you have been charged multiple times for a single transaction/service, then the refund shall be processed within 21 business days from the date of receipt of your request. All refunds will be credited to the source of the payment. Once the refund is processed from our side, it may take upto 21 days for the money to reflect in your account, depending on your bank's policy.